- 201801.06
- 201804.27
照屋勇賢 個展
LOST FOUND –TERUYA YUKEN solo exhibition
陸府生活美學教育基金會長期關懷生態、支持藝文,2018 年初始,陸府生活美學教育基金會十分榮幸邀請當代重要藝術家照屋勇賢,來台舉辦華人地區首次大型個展『拾回』。本次展覽將展出藝術家八項代表性系列作品,其中將有三件委託製作作品,靈感來自陸府社區的臺灣原生樹木。
Live Forever Foundation is pleased to present LOST FOUND an exhibition by established Japanese artist Teruya Yuken.The exhibition includes eight iconic series of works, including the best known paper bag series “Notice-Forest”, “Constellation”, and “Bingata Kimonos”. We are also thrilled to show new commissioned works of Notice Forest, inspired by original Taiwanese trees planted at our community.
LOST FOUND is an exhibition that has a strong communication with the exhibition space’s natural environment. The space contains two floors with all the series spreading out. One commissioned work directly drew inspiration from the tree at the exhibition space.

Notice-Forest, starting from the inspiration of Aristotle’s philosophy of nature-An acorn has both an actual form as an acorn and a potential form to become a sapling and an oak tree. In Teurya Yuken’s Notice Forest work, he considered if a paper bag still had the potential form of becoming a tree. This concept also carries throughout the entire exhibition. The kimono piece “You-I, You-I”, using a special color dye technique in Okinawa with images on the piece give you the sense of multiple layers of history in a unified timeline. Since Okinawa has a long history of occupation, its culture is a mixture of its tradition and two foreign cultures, Japan and the US.

照屋勇賢,1973 年出生於日本沖繩。自2001 年獲得紐約視覺藝術學院碩士後便在國際上有許多展出,包含日本金澤21 世紀美術館、日本東京上野皇家美術館以及2012 年雪梨雙年展。其中有許多重要聯展,其中包含『紙』,倫敦沙奇畫廊(2013 年); 紐約古根漢美術館、紐約當代美術館PS1、東京現代美術館。
目前亦展出於法國梅茲龐畢度中心『日本的下一步:1970 年來當代視覺藝術與文化』。他的作品被廣泛收藏於國際間,包含紐約古根漢美術館、紐約旗藝術基金會、紐約現代美術館、倫敦沙奇畫廊、東京森美術館、華盛頓西雅圖博物館、柏林霍夫曼收藏、沖繩美術館。
Teruya Yuken, born in Okinawa, Japan in 1973 and currently lives and works in New York. Teruya Yuken is best known for his delicate and poetic yet powerful works using everyday objects. After received his MFA from the school of Visual Arts, New York in 2001, his work has been shown in several international exhibitions, including Paper at Saatchi Gallery, London; the 18th Biennale of Sydney; Ties over Time: Japanese Artists and America at the US Ambassador’s House, Tokyo; 21st Century Museum of Art, Kanazawa, Japan.
- 展覽地點
- 陸府植深館臺中市南屯區公益路二段789號
- 開放時間
- 週二至週日10:00 -18:00,週一休館
最後進場時間為17:30 - 注意事項
- 【一般民眾參觀展覽】歡迎電話預約
預約電話:0800-524365 (來電時間11:00~20:00)